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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for May 2008

U.N. Security Council Seat: China Outsmarts India - May 30, 2008

The symphony of South-South cooperation at the recent conclave of foreign ministers of BRIC was jarred by China's refusal to endorse India's bid for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.

'Guest Workers' or Modern Slavery - May 27, 2008

An old shop front verandah in Singapore's Little India is "home" to a group of about 50 migrant workers who have been spat out by an economy that relies heavily on so-called "guest workers."

China: The Infant Dragon - May 16, 2008

China is indeed a dragon on the uplift; any clumsiness could have devastating consequences in those regions of the world most susceptible to its influence, such as Africa.

Media Freedom Restricted in Fiji Following Another Deportation - May 11, 2008

The latest deportation and the blatant indifference of the military-backed regime to the court orders against deportations has raised serious concerns about the rule of law.

Solomon Islands: Report Slams Australian-Led Intervention - May 6, 2008

The Australian government justified its intervention, which came within months of the invasion of Iraq, by labeling the Solomon Islands a "failed state" and a potential source of terrorism.

Protecting a Free Press Requires International Cooperation - May 1, 2008

Every year since 2004, the United Nations has refused to issue press credentials to journalists from Taiwan, rendering them unable to cover the annual meetings of the World Health Assembly.
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