Sunset Valley NewsLocal news for Sunset Valley, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Drivers get Smart- February 10, 2008 "You could probably put this in the back of the Hummer!" The best part of driving the European micro-compact Smart Fortwo around Austin isn't the money you save on gas, the colorful body panels or the Go Kart-like handling. via Austin American-Statesman What's growing on- February 9, 2008 Everyone is welcome to come and garden. Some tools are available. 3505 W. 35th St. via Austin American-Statesman Cameo Chocolates- February 7, 2008 "I am also going to have red boxes, embossed with little hearts" After years of exercising her math and science skills working for Dell, Dian VerColen finally discovered a satisfying outlet for her artistic side. via The Austin Chronicle |