Sunset Valley NewsLocal news for Sunset Valley, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mandatory water restrictions issued for parts of Central Texas- June 24, 2008 Official for two different agencies on Monday declared mandatory water restriction for parts of Central Texas. Scouts earn Eagle honors- June 23, 2008 The following students have been promoted to Eagle Scouts, the highest level of recognition in the Boy Scouts of America: Kevin Alexander Cool , 18, son of Kathie and Bill Cool of Austin, developed safety ... Robert Pollard's Boston Spaceships & Perhapst - new albums, 2008 Tour ...- June 20, 2008 The last time Robert Pollard played a gig in NYC it was at the Bowery Ballroom on 11132006. Partly because of a lack of funds and mostly because of sheer stupidity on my part, I missed that gig. Edwards Aquifer 101: City protects its zone for Barton Springs- June 18, 2008 When the Green Water Treatment Plant that feeds off Town Lake closes next year, Austin will no longer take any of its drinking water from the Barton Springs. |