Ted Ritzer: Bent & Twisted HumourIt's only now I can laugh about it.....SlushFactory=IndyComics- April 22, 2003 Probably the guys at SlushFactory will be insulted, but honest I do not have a category for IndyComics, so have put this reference into my Bent & Twisted and NetMedia categories. http:www.slushfactory.comcontentEpVpApEFuAmDIbsjhO.phphttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/bentTwistedHumour/2003/04/21.html#a1224 (Untitled)- April 21, 2003 Pointed This Modern World. Today's This Modern World has some pointed observations contrasting domestic and foreign policy. Link Discuss Boing Boing Bloghttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/bentTwistedHumour/2003/04/21.html#a1204 Low Cost AGMs-Electronic Meeting Software- April 8, 2003 Low Cost AGMs-Electronic Meeting Software This article was my attempt at providing a backgrounder on how to save money by not travelling for AGMs by using the Internet to facilitate electronic meetings. Check the article out at: http:blogs.salon.com0001455stories20030407lowCostVirtualAgms.htmlhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/bentTwistedHumour/2003/04/07.html#a1094 (Untitled)- April 5, 2003 Photoshopped Fox News stills from history. Great Fark photoshopping contest-theme: historical moments as they would have been portrayed on Fox News. Link Discuss Boing Boing Bloghttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/bentTwistedHumour/2003/04/05.html#a1087 |