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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for May 2003

Ted Ritzer: Bent & Twisted Humour

It's only now I can laugh about it.....

(Untitled) - May 17, 2003

Bizarre Honda Ad dominoes with car do dads http:home.attbi.combernhard36honda-ad.html

(Untitled) - May 17, 2003

Folkloric history of those "Calvin peeing" car stickers. This site explores the evolution of those annoying and ubiquitous "Calvin peeing" stickers stuck on truck windows all over America. Explores the variations and corruptions, includes an excellent photo gallery. My favorite part: the "generate-a-Calvin-peeing" engine, where you select who he hates (la Migra The Navy Ford trucks "Fat chicks"), whether it's the real Calvin or not, then generates a sticker for you on the fly. At left, the...

(Untitled) - May 14, 2003

A woman friend of ours was pulled over for speeding. As the motorcycle officer walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, "I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the Highway Patrolmen's Ball. He replied, "Highway Patrolmen don't have balls." There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what he'd just said. He then closed his book, got back on his motorcycle and left. She was laughing too hard to start her car for several minutes.Thank you...

Bless Good Design re RadioUserland - May 12, 2003

As I desribed in a previous post, my poor computer suffered from one too many MS security updates. The last one resulted in an unbootable doorstop for a computer. So after a couple of weeks on downtime, I added a second hard drive, installed the operating system again on it, then made the old drive a slave. All with the hope that I could simply copy the RadioUserland program directory from the old drive, to the new one. Well, so far it seems to be working perfectly , with no orphaned links,...

(Untitled) - May 12, 2003

I'm Back after suffering from a MS security update that wrecked havoc with my computer, making it a glorified doorstop. Than one conference to prepare for and then a training workshop. I have finally, after installing a second hard drive, been able to resurrect my computer and my blog. I hope, here goes with my first post in 2 wks or more.
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