Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Franklin's new manager has much awaiting her- April 25, 2008 "One of the challenging things for the city has been trying to seek out additional revenues" Franklin's new city manager, Elizabeth Corrow, will begin with a long to-do list. via Concord Monitor Corrow is new Franklin city manager- April 23, 2008 "Previous City Manager Greg Doyon has done a great job helping to do his part with the city's renaissance and it is now my job to help the council, the mayor, the departments and the citizens bring the city to the next level of its rebirth" The City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to name Elizabeth Corrow as city manager following a nearly two-hour long nonpublic session needed to finalize the terms of her four-year contract. via The Citizen Donations large and small sought for city fire victims- April 20, 2008 George Greek Orthodox Cathedral has contributed $2,500 to the Union Leader Charitable Fund to aid Manchester fire victims. via UnionLeader 5 NH troops wounded in Iraq- April 8, 2008 Five New Hampshire National Guard soldiers were wounded during an attack on their base in Baghdad. via WBZ-AM Allston BizNorth Planner- April 6, 2008 EDITOR'S NOTE: The BizNorth Planner is a calendar of business-related workshops, seminars, fairs and other events. via, North Andover, MA |