Ashland NewsLocal news for Ashland, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.State School archivist to give talk in Ashland- May 22, 2008 Gordon DuBois will present the history of the Laconia State School at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Ashland Railroad Station Museum. The ordeals of Lyme disease- May 20, 2008 "But I also spent a few weeks very depressed (after the diagnosis) because I learned it cannot be fully cured." ERICHA FAHRNER is studying childhood education at Plymouth State University and dealing with the effects of Lyme disease. via The Citizen Preparing for launch in Laconia- May 11, 2008 DARYL CARLSONCITIZEN PHOTO 3-G Construction employee Alan Cilley cuts the decking of the new boat ramp being built along the Winnipesaukee River in Laconia. via The Citizen Hampton Beach may get family-friendly makeover- May 3, 2008 "The buildings will be physically attractive for New England and the environment there, and provide a lot of visitor services so it's a friendlier place to visit." The state Division of Parks and Recreation will hold the second of three public workshops on the redevelopment project on May 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Hampton Police Department Community Room. via UnionLeader |