Word OysterA smattering of sex, a few episodes of erotica, and current events in the land of the "Make Your Own Dildo Kit" (now only $70 US and available in vibrating and glow-in-the-dark!)Happy Holidays!- December 25, 2007 I sent out an email yesterday to lots of my regular readers, wishing them a happy holiday season. But I somehow suspect that the email may have gotten eaten by spam filters, either on the sending side or on the receiving side. So, to the folks I emailed and to the rest of you, here is my holiday greeting for one and all. It's not safe for work. But then, neither is this site. (On the other hand, I am perfectly safe for work. You may invite me for lunch any old time.)http://www.wordoyster.com/weblog/2007/12/happy_holidays.html Flash Poem 1- December 14, 2007 The look and coding for this poem was shamelessly stolen from "digital writer" Chris Joseph. My apologies to Chris for putting "cocks" and "nipples" in his otherwise interesting Flash work, but I've been wanting to learn how to do something like this and it gave me the opportunity to actually get under the hood and tinker with source files. Now maybe I can try learn how to do my own from scratch.http://www.wordoyster.com/weblog/2007/12/flash_poem_1.html |