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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for February 2008

Up in Ontario

A novel by James Sherrett

Riding camels and such - February 28, 2008

It's not every day that you get an email about riding camels. Or rather, an auto responder. But that's what I received yesterday from Darren, who's in Morocco. Subject: Gone to the Sahara, Feb. 27 to March 3 Hi,I'm on a short holiday, riding camels and such. I'll be out of email and phone contact for this period. I'll be back online at about 2:00pm PST (10:00pm GMT) on Monday, March 3. Thanks. DB. At my insistence he's calling it CamelCamp. I'm told there will be photos to come in this...

The Honky Patrol - February 15, 2008

Praise Jesus I've found this site: Stuff White People Like. Now I knows what afflicted my lily ass. I wasn't above faking the funk on a nasty dunk prior to being all enlightened up, and shit. But now I'm down with the real jive. Of course, back when I was a cracker, I could related to all those things that whitey likes, and only white people like: bicycles, public radio and sushi. Now I just say, "What it is, my brother" And be done with it. I don't give a rat's ass. I'd rather be dumb and...
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