Veer tweets.- January 31, 2007 Do you use Twitter Do you like to know what&8217;s going on over at Veer Well, have I got a deal for you. I&8217;ve just started using Twitter as a channel for site updates, new feature announcements, status alerts, and other web follies ... fresh from our team that actually builds the stuff. Tune in to our fresh stream of tweets and tell me what you think. It's that immutable green brick factor.- January 16, 2007 You have to admire Leander Kahney. He has a nose for news, especially when it relates to anything &8216;of the cult&8217;, as it were. Case in point, who would be the first group you&8217;d survey for a reaction to the iPhone announcement Why a bunch of Newton users, of course. What demographic would embody the emotional clamoring for a modern, multi-function, touch-screen handheld device Why, the vociferous, jilted community of Newton users of course. Last week, Mr Kahney queried several... We have liftoff.- January 10, 2007 After the ground-shaking, bladder-emptying, adrenaline rush of this morning&8217;s rather interesting announcement, Mr Haughey makes an astute observation. Why is something as mundane as a product announcement so exciting and important to us Because Apple is the new NASA, that&8217;s why. Matt, thank you from one Apple fanboy to another. Thank you for putting into words that ethereal concept I could never seem to nail down. Go Apple, go. The self-aggrandizing flotsam department.- January 8, 2007 Please note that the delightful pair of vociferous Mac-heads, Dan Benjamin and John Gruber make an ever so brief mention of Newton (and yours truly) in the recently unveiled Hivelogic Podcast. The first two episodes of the podcast are a casual discussion of their ideas regarding what new products might appear during the imminent Macworld keynote. Episode 1 is mostly about the possibility (or not) of an iPhone. The Newton makes an appearance around the 50'40" mark of the second episode, during... |