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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2007

Wussypants. - March 15, 2007

The following quote was plucked from a recent web development e-mail. &8220;When building a new server farm, create better server names ... WUS is like naming a boy Sue.&8221; Here&8217;s the deal ... the internal names for Veer&8217;s web servers are prefixed with the acronym &8216;WUS&8217;, theoretically representing &8216;Web: United States&8217; or our North American-based web servers. I&8217;ve always referred to the servers &8216;wuss-oh-one&8217; or &8216;wuss-oh-three&8217;, but it...

Sneak peek. - March 7, 2007

Nearly a year after I intended to redesign my personal site for Spring 2006 CSS Reboot, Ive started up again. What happened last time Life, work, etc. What you see above (and here) is the latest incarnation of the design. For comparison purposes, heres an early iteration of last year&8217;s model.My standard high contrast avatar is now the sites logo. Consistent branding being a concept hammered into my brain on a daily basis. The logo may or may not harbour an easter egg at some point (youll..

Retrospection. - March 2, 2007

As a lame attempt at refocusing and reevaluating, I&8217;ve been going back through the blog archives every once in a while. Sweet mother of crap, I used to blather on about an awful lot of really good shit&8482;. My fave &8216;out of context&8217; phrase from nearly six years ago &8220;... mine has a trackball the size of a hamster ...&8221; Heh.
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