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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for June 2007

An Open Window

An Open Window -

June 28 - Pride Hangover - June 28, 2007

IMG_5479 Originally uploaded by AnOpenWindow. Jimmy and I spent a good long weekend in Atlanta for pride. Our friend Rob went went with us as well. On Friday, we ventured to the Coca-Cola Museum and then the Georgia Aquarium (both of which were a lot of fun). That night we swung on over to the infamous Swinging Richards, where Rob got a private dance in the VIP room. The next day we ventured to the park and walked through all of the booths. That afternoon we listened to my friend Lee..

June 20 - Homebuying Again - June 20, 2007

A few weeks ago, Jimmy got in the mood to fill out a mortgage loan application. He received a few good offers from some reputable places, so he began to leisurly look through the real estate ads for homes. On the weekends, he wanted to swing by this development and that neighborhood, hoping a good home would jump out and gobble us up into its hardwood floored interior. We did find a place as we drove around Charlotte the other day, and it is well below the price limit we were willing to fork...

June 8 - TGIF - June 8, 2007

100_0861 Originally uploaded by AnOpenWindow. I am glad the weekend is FINALLY here! Coming back to work after a week off was hell. There was a lot of work piled up, so I had to work twice as hard this week to catch up. Plus I have been working on a project, so the meetings I had to attend took time away from my other duties. My plan this weekend... lay out by the pool. Wait The pool is STILL not open! Our lazy ass apartment community waited until the last possible moment to certify...

June 7 - Month of May - In a Nutshell - June 7, 2007

100_0875 Originally uploaded by AnOpenWindow. I have been chastised lately for not updating my journal as I should been. I know I know I have been slack in letting people know what is going on in my life. But where do I start What have I missed I guess I will just summarize the month of May then.The first weekend in May was the Charlotte AIDS Walk. I got someone from the Chorus to head up a campaign to get people to donate and walk. She did a great job! We had about 10 people walk.
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