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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for October 2004

The Sullenbode

The Halfway House for Wayward Neurotics and Other Bipedal Veterans of Cosmic Disorder

Didn't We All, uh, DIE at the Alamo - October 31, 2004

I'm a little paranoid today.  Actually, I'm paranoid all the time - I see Grassy Knolls everywhere, you bet'cha - but I'm feeling even more hinky than I usually do.   Most of it is because of those two tapes they keep airing of Bin Laden and that hairball, Adam Ghundan, the so-called American Asshole, errrr, Al Qaeda.  I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but did it dawn on anyone that they are sending signals to those excitable scamps that follow Bin Laden  Doesn't it..

I Am So Glad I Didn't Breed - October 29, 2004

My friend brought her children over when she came to visit today.  I love my friend, and I love her children, too, but I love them so much more when they aren't in the same room with me. They are awful children.  Really.  They chase the dog,  jump on my furniture, lose the remotes, break things, squabble constantly, cry, pluck my flowers, spill soda on my carpet and leave half-chewed pieces of candy to melt in the La-Z-Boy.  While they are doing all this, Mom is...

Moonlight and the Villagers - October 28, 2004

     Oh, there was joy at Sullenbode when Gayle came to pick up her beast.  There was much leaping and tail-wagging, twirling and butt-scooting, face-licking and yelps of sheer delight, and the dogs seemed pleased to see her, too....      Anyway....      I went out to watch the eclipse at quarter to eight last night.  Most of the villagers on this street were out there, heads tilted back at angles quaranteed to send us...

Table Manners - October 27, 2004

     For all of you who are concerned about the welfare of Mr. Peepers, let me assure you that tossing him into my CuisineArt and pressing the 'puree' button was only a passing thought.....  The little wretch is doing fine, and has even lowered himself to accept my handfeeding him bits of chicken.      There was a mild manifestation of the Prednisone Phollies today.  I was at Michelle's.  Michelle's is a place that is near and dear to...

Is Microwaving a Chihuahua Really a Bad Thing To Do - October 26, 2004

     I'm babysitting a chihuahua.  His name is Mr. Peepers.  He might weigh two pounds after he's eaten.  Like all of the smallest chihuahua's, he looks like a comma with eyes and no ass, and walks like he's chronically constipated on those little birdy legs.      He's an evil wretch.      He suffers from Separation Anxiety.  This is a condition in dogs where they behave like lunatics when their owner isn't around,..

What I Did on my JLand Vacation - October 25, 2004

I haven't been up to much, to be honest.  I've been down with lupus and complications thereof, and this one has been a bad seige.  I'm tired and wrung out.  I spend half my time in bed, and the other half in a drug-induced funk. Prednisone is the culprit.  Roughly twenty percent of the people who take it develop negative psychological reactions, some people even suffer brief psychotic breaks.  I'm one of the lucky twenty percent, and - in me - it manifests as...

Chaos in JLand - October 25, 2004

It's been awhile since I've been here.  I've followed some of the journals faithfully, others less so, and others I've just sat down by the side of the road and left behind - too many judgemental fucktards Out There who want to tell the rest how to live. Things are turning, I hear, into a bloodbath here.  Mock blogs and mad bloggers running hither and yon over the face of JLand causing havoc and creating messes for others to clean up behind them, and I won't even mention politics for..
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