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Feed items 1 - 10 of 23 for September 2002

T Bryce Yehl: Bryce's Follow-up List

Things that I need to follow-up on.

(Untitled) - September 30, 2002

Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers. Just been reading Yasser's book, one of the better web services books I thought, it also includes some coverage of PocketSOAP (both rpcencoded and docliteral), and proxyTrace, cool! Simon Fell

(Untitled) - September 29, 2002

Poll-worker trainers rebel Miami Herald: Local Also, local Pol bit by shark

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Traffic Engineering: Finding the Right Route. In this first installment on Traffic Engineering, excerpted from O'Reilly's BGP, learn how to find the best route in a multihomed setup--the one that will take advantage of all available bandwidth. O'Reilly Network Articles

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Lists of CMS vendors. I've been collecting lists of CMS vendors for a while, and two new webpages were quietly published on our site... Column Two

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Insure against being slashdotted.. It's not a denial of service attack; you've been slashdotted! Someone mentioned your low traffic web site on the evening news and suddenly your servers are overwhelmed. Most ISP contracts cap your traffic, just turn off the faucet after the first n megabytes downloaded. Scott Johnson: If I was Cmdr Taco or Hemos or anyone at VA, I would introduce "SlashSurance: Insurance Against the Slashdot Effect".  This would be something like this: $10 annually...

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Web-based editing tools. Paul Browning maintains an excellent list of TTW WYSIWYG Editor Widgets. For the rest of us, TTW stands for "through the web" (it works within a browser). This is a very handy and comprehensive list, useful for any developer creating... Column Two

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Interoperability for open-source CMSs. Paul Everitt and Gregor J. Rothfuss write about the challenges of interoperability between open-source CMSs. They clearly state the current situation (little compatability), and then explore the case for and against moving towards greater interoperability. To quote: Do open source... Column Two

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Content management ROI. Jim Howard has written an article on determining content management ROI. He explores both "hard" and "soft" measures, provides small case studies, and gives examples. To quote: While it&146;s challenging to put a price tag on having a standard look-and-feel... Column Two

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Ideas Are To Talent As Execution Is To Practice.. Poorly grounded, ill-conceived, unlikely, improbable ideas may well be easy to spew. blog cognosco v 0.1

(Untitled) - September 26, 2002

Avoiding the same mistakes. On the KM-Framework list, Jackie Green asked the following excellent questions in response to the release of my Sixteen steps... Column Two
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