Cardspace context UPDATE- March 28, 2008 Good post today ("No User Context Decisions in your Enterprise") from Pam Dingle summarizing her panel at Brainshare (which I'm now sorry I missed). Cardspace and other user-centric ID schemes have a definite place in the enterprise, if only for the context-switching that Pamela outlines.UPDATE: A video of the session ( with Pam Dingle, Patrick Harding, Kim Cameron and Dale Olds) has now been posted at the Bandit Project site.We'll be exploring this same topic at the European Identity... Every day I get in the queue...- March 27, 2008 Eve Maler is a pretty good guitar player & singer who also happens to work for Sun and is a Liberty Alliance evangelista. She posts today about the Identity bushub and states, succinctly, "I dont get it.""I get that people would like identity information to be understandable across widely disparate systems, and that people would like services related to (deep breath) identity, authentication, attribute lookup, authorization, and auditing tasks to be widely available so that developers can... Meta-directories Your father's ID store...- March 26, 2008 Kuppinger Cole's Felix Gaehtgens posts today ("Meta-directories Id say quaint, but not quite dead.") on the demise of the metadirectory and the rise of virtualization. Felix should know, he's formerly the VP at Symlabs, a major Virtual Directory provider. He says:"Microsoft has made an investment into that technology by rewriting MIIS pretty much from scratch. And Siemens to this date probably has the most comprehensive and advanced meta-directory implementation with its DirXmetahub component.. with Kim Cameron as Humpty Dumpty...- March 25, 2008 One of my favorite passages from Lewis Carroll is the dialog in "Through the Looking Glass" between Alice and Humpty Dumpty: "There's glory for you!" "I don't know what you mean by 'glory,' " Alice said. Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don'ttill I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!' " "But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument,' " Alice objected. "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it... It's unsanitary, Kim!- March 24, 2008 In a blog entry today, Kim Cameron both puts words in my mouth and twists the ones that come out to serve his "straw man" purpose.In commenting on my recent post about the death of the metadirectory, he says: "Who would want to get in the way of Daves metaphors Hes on a streak. But hes making a fundamental mistake, taking an extreme position that is uncharacteristically naive."What did I do I advocated the virtual directory as the better vehicle for all of the ID data needed in the SaaS... Killing the Metadirectory- March 21, 2008 Kim Cameron comments today about my column ("Is the metadirectory dead") which was inspired by Kim's erstwhile colleague Jackson Shaw's blog entry ("You won't have me to kick around anymore!") which included the lines: "Let's be honest. The meta-directory is dead. Approaches that look like a meta-directory are dead."My interpretation is that the metadirectory has finally given way to the virtual directory as the synchronization engine for identity data. Kim interprets it differently. He talks... |