A herring of a different color- April 11, 2008 You almost had me, Kim. I read your latest entry and was ready to share that olive branch. Right up to the last paragraphs when you say (about me):"...He keeps saying I propose 'a directory that gathers and holds ALL the data from ALL your other directories.' Dave, this is just untrue and unhelpful. ALL was never the goal - or the practice - of metadirectory, and you know it. The goal was to represent the 'object core' - the attributes shared across many applications and that need therefore..http://vquill.com/2008/04/herring-of-different-color.html Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!- April 9, 2008 Here I'd thought I'd offered Kim Cameron a bit of an olive branch in the virtualmetauber directory discussion. But did he take it Yes, he did, then attempted to whack a bunch of folks about the head and shoulders with it!In a further attempt to clarify what he meant, Kim says:"By 'next generation application' I mean applications based on web service protocols. Our directories need to integrate completely into the web services fabric, and application developers must to be able to interact with..http://vquill.com/2008/04/your-mother-was-hamster-and-your-father.html Another one bites the dust- April 7, 2008 Well, that might be too strong, but another veteran independent Identity vendor has been acquired. M-Tech announced today that Hitachi had acquired a majority interest in the Calgary, Alberta firm. M-Tech owns a large segment of the provisioning business in Canada, especially government (federal and provincial) provisioning. But beyond provisioning, M-Tech (now officially called Hitachi-ID) offered the full panoply of the Identity suite - password management, authentication and authorization,...http://vquill.com/2008/04/another-one-bites-dust.html The blind philosophes of Identity- April 7, 2008 Kim has now responded ("Through the looking glass") to my Humpty Dumpty post, and we're beginning to sound like a couple of old philosophes arguing about whether or not to include "le weekend" and "hamburguer" and other Franglais in the French dictionary.We really aren't that far apart.In his post, Kim recalls launching the name "metadirectory" back in '95 with Craig Burton and I certainly don't dispute that. In fact, up until 1999, I even agreed somewhat with his definition:"In my world, a...http://vquill.com/2008/04/blind-philosophes-of-identity.html Get on the bus!- April 2, 2008 Everybody else is. Dale Olds has commented. So has Phil Hunt. Let's all get together at the European ID Conference in Munich later this month and talk about the Identity Hub, the Identity Bus, the death of the metadirectory and so much more. Suggestions for a suitable meeting place (i.e., biergarten) near the Deutsches Museum are welcome - post as comments to this post.See you there!http://vquill.com/2008/04/get-on-bus.html |