Techquila ShotsOpinions, news and links on XML, the Semantic Web, Information Management and coding.Pepys-Map : 25th February 1662- February 28, 2005 In today's entry there is just one new addition to the ontology. The events modelled are as follows: Samuel works at the Navy Office. Samuel and Henry Moore visit a coffee house (that is not named) and discuss the recent... Pepys-Map : 23rd-24th February 1662- February 25, 2005 Two more entries posted today. The entry for 23rd February 1662 is quite short with only two events: Samuel reads more of Fuller's 'A History of the worthies of England'. William Penn sups with Samuel at his home. The entry... Pepys-Map : 21st - 22nd February 1662- February 23, 2005 Two more entries posted today, both of which introduce new items to the ontology. The entry for 21st February records the fact that Sam receives 80l. from Jaspar Trice. This is modelled as a "payment" event, with Samuel playing the... Pepys-Map : 18th-20th February 1662- February 21, 2005 Three more entries posted today. No major ontology changes or new entities added.... Pepys-Map : 5th - 17th February 1662- February 20, 2005 Another big batch update covering the period from 5th February 1662 to 17th February 1662.... Non-persistent Persistence- February 17, 2005 The W3C Persistence Policy (http:www.w3.orgConsortiumPersistence) states how the consortium will guarantee the persistence of documents it publishes in the event of its demise. Seems like one of the documents not covered is the Persistence Policy itself. Bizarre.... |