Techquila ShotsOpinions, news and links on XML, the Semantic Web, Information Management and coding.Pepys-Map : March Roundup- April 14, 2005 The Pepys-Map is a topic map of the people, places and events described in the famous 17th Century diaries of Samuel Pepys. This round-up topic map covers all of the entries from June 1661 through to March 1662. You can... Pepys-Map : 1st - 2nd April 1662- April 11, 2005 Two more entries posted today. In the entry for 1st April 1662, there is a sequence of events worth noting for the way in which the temporal relationships are modelled. The sequence starts when Pepys, Paulina Montagu and others attend... Pepys-Map : 21st - 31st March 1662- April 1, 2005 Lots more entries uploaded today which takes us to the end of March and finally gets me caught up again. Yay! Watch this space for the end-of-month roundup...... |