The Not So Daily Crap [TNSDC][TNSDC] Linkdumping till it hurts.(web)art : June 17, 2008 A dense slice of luscious mixed berry cheesecake with a dribble of a scarlet raspberry coulis on the side. A crusty, jalapeno bread grilled cheese sandwich piled up with 4 oz of oozing jarlsberg. Braised porkchops with sauted apples. Roasted chicken with cilantro dip. Cant you just taste it Droplets of drool are forming around the corners of your mouth. This is what foodporn does. And those who cant get enough of those stunningly up close and personal shots of sides of beef and spectacular... other : http:www.concierge.comideasbeachislandtours2515page=0- June 17, 2008 You know the saying: Put two people together and let nature take its course. Well, put two people together in a locale with sunshine, sand, and turquoise watersand watch the clothes come flying off (web)art : June 16, 2008 nice money shots. other : June 16, 2008 Grappig om te zien dat spelers van het Nederlands Elftal geen goede sms-ers zijn (als we de commercial van Hi moeten geloven). Johan Cruijff vergeet gewoon de naam van .... tsja, van wie... wie is DINGES. Sneijder, Kuyt, Van Nistelrooy Ik zou maar snel gaan smsen met De Grote Meester als ik die DINGES was! Heb hem even aan de commercial van Hi 'Word geen Dinges' toegevoegd. Hier past El Salvador toch beter dan in de Postbank reclame, al zeg ik het zelf! (web)art : June 13, 2008 The Space Shuttle Discovery successfully launched last week, becoming the 154th manned US space mission. One of the best features of the space program has always been astronaut photography, and I will take this opportunity to share some of the best photographs of Earth's skies, taken from above - way above other : http:www.fingel.com200804amazing-geological-oddities- June 12, 2008 7 Amazing, Rare Geological Oddities newsfacts : June 12, 2008 A male orangutan, clinging precariously to overhanging branches, flails the water with a pole, trying desperately to spear a passing fish. It is the first time one has been seen using a tool to hunt. (web)art : http:www.smashingmagazine.com20080428really-stunning-pictures-and-photos- June 12, 2008 Photography is a very powerful medium and a very difficult craft. Excellent photos dont only display some facts they tell stories, awake feelings and manage to share with the audience the emotions a photographer experienced when clicking the shot button. Taking excellent pictures is damn hard as you need to find a perfect perspective and consider the perfect timing. To achieve brilliant photography you need practice and patience. However, it is worth it: the results can be truly stunning. gadgets : http:gizmodo.com391505planika-fires-lets-you-stoke-the-flames-without-the-smoke- June 12, 2008 Nothing screams impeccable taste like having a fireplace in the middle of your coffee table and now, thanks to Planika Fires, you can keep the flames roaring without worrying about smoke or soot. The company makes the magic happen using a proprietary liquid biofuel called Fanola, which burns completely smoke and smell free. (web)art : http:gizmodo.com5014234artist-repairs-walls-in-italy-with-lego-bricks- June 12, 2008 In an art stunt that Jesus is sure to love, artist and lego enthusiast Jan Vormann went around the quiet little town of Bocchignano, Italy filling its decrepit walls with lego pieces. |