The Not So Daily Crap [TNSDC][TNSDC] Linkdumping till it hurts.funny : http:www.gamesradar.comfnaked-gun-intro-done-in-gta-iva-20080606103058468042- June 9, 2008 GamesRadar recreates the Naked Gun introduction using Grand Theft Auto IV other : http:www.environmentalgraffiti.comecology10-deepest-lakes-on-earth1234- June 5, 2008 As with any lake, depths fluctuate with climate and in particular rainfall. Notwithstanding this, today we ll explore the top ten deepest lakes in the world and the stories and legends behind them. funny : http:i32.tinypic.com1zr15hy.png- June 5, 2008 That's not what I meant, but I now I basically have to click |