Sweet Juniper- June 27, 2008 I mostly read two types of personal blogs - blogs by my friends, because I am so bad at keeping in touch with people that even their infrequently updated blogs give me more information about their lives than I would...http://syntaxfree.org/blog/archives/002424.php Pop My Cherry (13 June, 2008, Hacienda)- June 22, 2008 I know I should've updated earlier about the popping of my DJ cherry last weekend, but somehow it really took a lot out of me, and in the days afterwards I just needed a break from having to concentrate so...http://syntaxfree.org/blog/archives/002422.php Maybe I Should Call Myself "DJ Smoothie Criminal"- June 11, 2008 People have been asking how the DJ classes are going, so I thought I should update everyone here. I'm six lessons in, with two left before I finish the BasicIntermediate course. I'm still not very good with all the technical...http://syntaxfree.org/blog/archives/002421.php Wii Are Not Amused- June 11, 2008 Good: Having a husband who brings home a Wii from his business trip to Hong Kong. Bad: Having a husband who, when setting up the Wii while you're out, decides that this is the best way to depict his wife....http://syntaxfree.org/blog/archives/002420.php |