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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for May 2008

Reason 3,539,284 I Love The Internet - May 26, 2008

My work day today involved a six! hour! meeting! and until I came home, read Metafilter and found TIME FOR SOME STORIES, my day sucked. However, everything has been transformed. I now share it with you. Warning - link is...

Ghetto Rocket (Or, I'm Out For Cress-idents To Represent Me) - May 20, 2008

Sorry about the food-heaviness of some of these recent posts - work and learning Wordpress have been kicking my ass, so it feels easier to slap on a picture of a salad here than write thoughtfully about my initial impressions...

Behold The Cursed Cupcakes Of Cerberus - May 12, 2008

Work has been hell, but at least that provides me with a convenient segue into the rather amusing Black Oven (via Boing Boing). I'm not into baked stuff, but those Frostbitten Molasses Cookies Entombed with Ginger sure look tempting. "Packed...

Hungry Eyes - May 6, 2008

At the Ponggol Nasi Lemak branch in Tanjong Katong, there is always a little cat that darts and scurries under and in between the parked cars in hope of scraps from the tables of the pavement diners. He keeps his...

Never Let Me Go (Kazuo Ishiguro) - May 1, 2008

I picked up Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go in the library simply because it was a nice handbag-friendly size for my commute, but if (like me) you've lost track of Ishiguro's work since An Artist Of The Floating World...
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