The Buffalo WarThe State of Montana is killing the last free ranging and genetically pure wild Buffalo (bison) when they stray from Yellowstone National Park. Find out why and what you can do to stop it.Cattle group calls for elk, bison reductions in YNP- June 28, 2008 Rather than facing the real issue with brucellosis, namely the elk feed grounds in Wyoming where artificially high concentrations increase the prevalence of brucellosis, the California-based U.S. Cattlemens Association wants you, the public, to accept more killing of Yellowstone wildlife for industry. YNP killed Bison not taking winter kill into account- June 28, 2008 There is very little with regard to how many bison are left after the massive slaughter and winter kill of this past season. Read this Park Service Report. Sick Cow Costs Montana Its Brucellosis-Free Status- June 28, 2008 What it means is that all of Montana's livestock producers will now be required to test bulls and cows, unspayed and 18-month or older one month before interstate shipment. BTW, Japan inspects each and every head of livestock for Mad Cow Disease before slaughter. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the folks in Montana Private Property Rights violated by Livestock Agents- June 28, 2008 WEST YELLOWSTONE, MT - With horses, a helicopter, state and federal law enforcement, and U.S tax dollars to spend, Montana Department of Livestock agents have descended upon the cattle-free Horse Butte Peninsula, violating private property rights and upsetting human and wildlife residents in an attempt to chase wild American bison out of Montana and into Yellowstone National Park. Ranchers file lawsuit over bison yet to be hazed- June 28, 2008 Cattle ranchers upset over a herd of bison still lingering outside Yellowstone National Park went to court Wednesday, seeking to compel the Montana Department of Livestock to move the animals and accusing the agency of jeopardizing the state's brucellosis-free status. "They have to be hazed back in, captured or shot," said Errol Rice with the Montana Stockgrowers Association. "Now's the time to be extremely cautious, not more tolerant of bison in Montana." Nine more Yellowstone bison sent to slaughter- June 28, 2008 Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer said last month that the state would try not to ship any more bison to slaughter this year. Bison Heading Back To Summer Ranges- June 28, 2008 About 300 bison are headed south toward Mammoth, and then east into the Lamar Valley or south toward Fountain Flats, the Central Plateau, and Hayden Valley. The majority of the bison released this morning had been held in the Stephens Creek facility since early April for release at spring green-up in order to protect Montana's brucellosis-free status without sending the bison to slaughter. Bison slaughter criticized in GAO Report- June 28, 2008 A government report released Wednesday faulted state and federal bureaucracies for failing to stop the slaughter of bison leaving Yellowstone National Park. 1,613 Bison slaughtered - Sign Online Petition- June 28, 2008 The sound of bison running down the chute and onto the metal floored hauling trailer is one I never could have imagined. Their hooves clanged against the metal. The powerful 2,000 pound animals thrashed against the unfamiliar metal sides of the livestock trailer. Bison are attempting to leave Yellowstone National Park in search of food and lower elevation habitat, but they are being stopped at the Park border, put into livestock trailers and shipped to slaughter houses. CONTACT CONGRESS... Organization Campaigns Against Sport Hunting- June 28, 2008 Before deciding whether or not to support a particular "wildlife" or "conservation" group, ask about its position on hunting. The National Wildlife Federation, the National Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, the Izaak Walton League, the Wilderness Society, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, the Buffalo Field Campaign, the World Wildlife Fund, and many others either support sport hunting outright or do not oppose it. |