The Buffalo WarThe State of Montana is killing the last free ranging and genetically pure wild Buffalo (bison) when they stray from Yellowstone National Park. Find out why and what you can do to stop it.Each Buffalo Kill Confirms "Hunt a "Disgrace"- June 28, 2008 Last year, Buffalo Field Campaign video taped Buddy Clement Jr. age 17 shooting a grazing Buffalo 4 times at approximately 25 to 30 yards. It took 30 minutes for the animal to die. The boys Father said, "It was as clean a kill as I've seen in my life and I've hunted for 42 years." In another video a Buffalo took 4 shots and 3 hours to die. The videos are available at the BFC website. Is Montana's Governor "Stuck on Stupid"- June 28, 2008 If Brucellosis is a threat to the handful of cattle grazing on Public Land near West Yellowstone, It would be the female of the species which would spread the disease. How will the "Buffalo Hunt" (knowing in advance that the largest of males will be the prize kill sought out by gun crazies) be of any value in curbing the threat of the disease The hunt is promoting another blood sport and it's just plain wrong. Buffalo hunters are taught "media survival"- June 28, 2008 "Obviously, there's a lot of interest from both sides, whether you're for the hunt or against it," Kropp said. "It is important that we prepare the hunters for what they may encounter. It does have to do with protesters. It does have to do with being interviewed with the media and being in the spotlight. That is not consistent, necessarily, with other hunting in Montana where you're off by yourself alone." Montana 2008 Buffalo Killing Operations- June 28, 2008 Current News and Alerts from the Buffalo Field Campaign, various Montana newspapers and Wildlife Protection Groups. http:buffalofieldcampaign.orgmediapress0607news0607news0607.html APHIS KillingTesting Calves and Female Buffalo- June 28, 2008 APHIS oversees and administers the shooting, poisoning, and trapping of millions of wild animals deemed to be "Pests to Agriculture" including prairie dogs, ravens, coyotes, beavers, foxes, opossums, and countless other species. Now, you can add the last free-ranging and genetically pure Bison of Yellow Stone National Park to the list. Buffalo calves were sent to slaughter this week. BFC Hijacked by Montana Hunting Groups- June 28, 2008 BFC's position is to oppose a hunt until Montana agrees to grant bison some habitat outside of Yellowstone National Park and respect them like other wildlife. That doesn't mean acrimony for individual hunters, Mease said. "We don't have any grudge with these hunters," he said. "It's not a personal vendetta." (that would make BFC just another pro-hunting organization) National Hot Line: Return Buffalo to Tribes- June 28, 2008 51 Native American Tribes from the Intertribal Bison Cooperative have made a formal requests for these "Unwanted Yellowstone Buffalo" to be relocated to their reservations. Please call Governor Brian Schweitzer at 406-444-3111 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (MST). Not sure what to say Sample Script - "Hello, I'm calling from your city, state to ask Governor Schweitzer to cancel the buffalo hunt immediately. This country's last wild buffalo should not serve as targets in a canned hunt. Reunite the... Yellowstone National Park Headlines 2008- June 28, 2008 An Online Source for News About Yellowstone National Park, Since 1997. Volunteers needed at BFC's Camp- June 28, 2008 Mass action requires a mass of people. Come defend the buffalo by joining us on the front lines. We have had over 2400 volunteers from across the country and around the world join us on the front lines to help save the Yellowstone buffalo. 166 Yellowstone Park Buffalo Killed in Canned Hunt- June 28, 2008 That's the number killed during Montana's Hunt Winter (0708). |