The Buffalo WarThe State of Montana is killing the last free ranging and genetically pure wild Buffalo (bison) when they stray from Yellowstone National Park. Find out why and what you can do to stop it.Bison Advocates and Landowners Call For Changes in Management- June 28, 2008 "The government has been killing our nation's last remaining wild bison, claiming it is necessary to prevent the spread of brucellosis to cattle on the Horse Butte Peninsula," said Michael Mease, campaign coordinator for the Buffalo Field Campaign. "There are no more cattle on Horse Butte, so that excuse rings hollow. It's about time the people in charge get behind the locals who support wild bison being on Horse Butte without harassment by the government." Yellowstone Begins Testing and Holding Bison- June 28, 2008 Yellowstone just announced that they will begin testing bison calves for exposure to brucellosis. Calves that test positive for exposure, meaning those that carry antibodies to fight brucellosis, will be shipped to slaughter. The five cooperating agencies operating under the IBMP are the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the Montana Department of Livestock and the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. "CUT Land Deal" No Bargain for Bison- June 28, 2008 Over $13,000,000 in taxpayer funds appropriated by Congress in 1998 to conserve wildlife habitat on the 6,770 acre Royal Teton Ranch has failed in its promise to provide a "safe haven" for wild bison. (CUT, The Church Universal And Triumphant, is considered by many to be a "Jim (Drink the KoolAid) Jones" separatist survival group. For those of you out there who may not be not familiar with CUT - Church Universal Triumphant visit: http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiChurch_Universal_and_Triumphant Why BFC can't save Yellowstone's Bison- June 28, 2008 "Controversy Stalks Hunters in Montana's Bison Season" (excerpts from a news article, 2006): 1) The Buffalo Field Campaign isn't opposed to a bison hunt, said Mr. Mease; 2) Mike Mease congratulates him (a hunter) on his good shooting; 3) A couple of the Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers were delighted when the hunter gave them a cut of bison meat and two hooves (for helping to field dress and butcher a buffalo). The True Cost of Brucellosis- June 28, 2008 In short, the livestock industry has been lying when it claims brucellosis is a serious economic threat. Indeed, losing brucellosis-free status had about as much impact on the economic health of Wyoming's livestock industry as a bout with the common cold. The same would be true in Montana. It is time to bury the brucellosis myth, it is time to protect all bison and cattle and elk in this region from another tragedy. "We already know quarantined bison can be cleansed of brucellosis. It's been... Urge Yellowstone to Stop Bison Slaughter (Video)- June 28, 2008 Inside Yellowstone Nation Park lies the Stephens Creek Bison Trap. This Year alone 922 Bison have been killed by your Tax Dollars and 223 are still awaiting their fate. All the footage you will see is provided by the Park Service. We hope this will outrage you enough to call the Park and remind them that they are the care takers of our national treasures, not Montana Cattle Interests. Contact Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis and Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and urge them to stop... Tell Forest Service "Close Bison Trap on Horse Butte"- June 28, 2008 The Forest Service is seeking public comments as to whether they should allow the Montana Department of Livestock to capture bison on this Forest Service land in the future. Please join others in asking the Forest Service to allow Yellowstone bison to roam on America's public lands without the threat of harassment, capture, and ultimately, death. YNP Feeding Bison Multiplies Next Year's Problem- June 28, 2008 Baiting Buffalo to Slaughter Corrals Violates Its Own "Do Not Feed Wildlife" Policy. Yellowstone National Park is aggravating its bison migration problems by feeding hay this spring to brucellosis free bison on its north boundary, according to one of its own long-time rangers. The released bison will migrate north next winter in search of another free hand-out of food, thus aggravating conditions currently leading to the record slaughter of Yellowstone bison. Buffalo Field Campaign "drops the ball" again- June 28, 2008 We know how many buffalo have died at the hands of the agents and hunters. The question we must press to the agencies is how many wild American buffalo are left According to a recent report put out by the Park Service, only 1,436 buffalo remain. We are pressing the Park Service for details, because the numbers just don't add up if their fall population estimate was 4,700 buffalo. The Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is the only group working in the field, everyday, to stop the slaughter and... List the Yellowstone Bison Herd as Endangered- June 28, 2008 Mr. James Horsley of Moorhead, Minnesota filed a petition with the Secretary of the Interior to list the "herd of buffalo at the Yellowstone National Park" because it is endangered in a significant portion of its range. Mr. Horsley requested that the Service list the herd as a subspecies or "distinct population group" and to designate critical habitat in and adjacent to Yellowstone National Park. |