Waitsburg NewsLocal news for Waitsburg, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.For better or worse, the readers respond- July 5, 2008 "In your article about the person in Port Angeles who had received medals and benefits not awarded, it seemed the fellow did receive a proper sentence," writes Dennis Wojciak of Marysville.http://www.topix.net/city/waitsburg-wa/2008/07/for-better-or-worse-the-readers-respond?fro... July Fourth -- whatever the weather -- calls for zin- July 3, 2008 Should we be expecting warm, sunny weather for July Fourth Maybe, but I can't help but recall a Fourth of July some years ago when it was so bitterly cold in Seattle that we huddled in winter coats on my deck ...http://www.topix.net/city/waitsburg-wa/2008/07/july-fourth-whatever-the-weather-calls-for-... |