Waitsburg NewsLocal news for Waitsburg, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.More...- April 25, 2008 Calgary-based Team H&R Block, just days after securing Trade Team status from the Canadian Cycling Association, traveled last weekend to the Tour of Walla Walla, in south-east Washington state, to kick off the ... via Pedalhttp://www.topix.net/city/waitsburg-wa/2008/04/more?fromrss=1 Did I assassinate Garfield- April 17, 2008 "You made us sound like a bunch of uneducated hicks living in a barren wasteland." Wheat-country blues in Washington's least-populous county Walla Walla might be flush with the grape, but just down the road the juice runs out in Pomeroy, Wash. via Crosscut.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/waitsburg-wa/2008/04/did-i-assassinate-garfield?fromrss=1 Washington wine hall has crush of 'great' nominees- April 13, 2008 "We had a lot of great nominees this year" Choosing the 2008 inductee to the Legends of Washington Wine Hall of Fame from the six nominees may be a tough task for the selection committee. via Tri-cityherald.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/waitsburg-wa/2008/04/washington-wine-hall-has-crush-of-great-nom... |