Washington Depot NewsLocal news for Washington Depot, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Hickory Stick to host Pappano book signing- January 31, 2008 New Milford native Laura Pappano and co-author Eileen McDonagh will appear Feb. 16 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. for a book signing at the Hickory Stick Bookshop in Washington Depot. via The Greater New Milford Spectrumhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/01/hickory-stick-to-host-pappano-book-s... Dance Performance: Cool, calm and connected- January 19, 2008 "With no constraining preconceptions of what our field was supposed to be, we were simply free to invent our own forms." It was years ago, when I was living in my native Montreal, that I first heard of Pilobolus. via Jerusalem Posthttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/01/dance-performance-cool-calm-and-conn... New School Plan Offered As Option In Washington- January 17, 2008 "It will likely motivate teachers to make learning more interesting for the kids." If the Region 12 school district ultimately decides to maintain its three hometown elementary schools and not build a new consolidated facility, then some concerned citizens feel it is more advantageous for the ... via Litchfield County Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/01/new-school-plan-offered-as-option-in... Young Talent Show on view at WAA- January 4, 2008 The Washington Art Association is presenting its Young Talent Show through Jan. 22. The show features art by Rita DeAngelis, Chelsea Harris, Siobhan McBride, Marc Mitchell, Katherine Norton and Mari Skarp. via The Greater New Milford Spectrumhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/01/young-talent-show-on-view-at-waa?fro... |