Washington Depot NewsLocal news for Washington Depot, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The Guides for Art- February 25, 2008 "We are certainly a group of individuals, but I think powerfully more than that -- than any one of the dances we've managed to make over the years -- is a little arts organism that has a personality, has style" Commercial contemporary dance might sound like an oxymoron, but if any group has flirted with pop culture outside the dance world's traditional pathways it's Pilobolus. via Cincinnati CityBeathttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/the-guides-for-art?fromrss=1 After two-month oddesy, do still looking for a home- February 23, 2008 "Having him for a couple of days and spending some time with him, we hit it off very well." Cold, scrawny and scared, a white German shepherd wandered across at least three towns for at least six weeks before an intercommunity effort finally corralled him last week. via The Waterbury Connecticut Republicanhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/after-two-month-oddesy-do-still-look... Quite a dancing feat- February 21, 2008 "And in some ways, it still is." The world's most famous dance company The Bolshoi Ballet, perhaps. Or the New York City Ballet Maybe the National Ballet of China They're all huge. via The Cincinnati Enquirerhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/quite-a-dancing-feat?fromrss=1 Business Buzz- February 19, 2008 Ms. Martin has been named vice president and marketing manager, while Ms. Durkin has been named assistant vice president, marketing communications. via The Greater New Milford Spectrumhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/business-buzz?fromrss=1 Peter Marteka: Totally Into This Railroad Tunnel- February 16, 2008 "After a while it give unquestionable indications of weakening. Finally in much labor and travail, it ends, through sheer exhaustion not far from the main street of the village." I 'm a trainiac. I've loved everything about trains since I was a boy running up Main Street from my grandparents' house in Dunkirk, Ind., with my brother and sister. via The Hartford Couranthttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/peter-marteka-totally-into-this-rail... Local groups receive Union Savings grants- February 8, 2008 "We're pleased that the funding we've provided to local organizations for 2007 represents a 9 percent increase compared with the foundation's distribution of $125,050 in 2006" The Union Savings Bank Foundation recently announced grants totaling $134,300 awarded to 16 area not-for-profit organizations, including six in the Greater New Milford area. via The Greater New Milford Spectrumhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2008/02/local-groups-receive-union-savings-g... |