Atkinson NewsLocal news for Atkinson, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Role of film Timberlane duo takes top award for 'Hometown Heroes'- May 29, 2008 Maree Magliochetti and Luke Botting are interested in hometown heroes for different reasons - one likes to study them and the other aspires to be one. Stepping Out: 11th annual Taste of Salem- May 27, 2008 Atkinson: Linda and Leo Monfet of South Lawrence and Stateline Review of Salem, NH., prepare the raffle tickets for the event, Leo is a board member of the Chamber at the Greater Salem, NH., Chamber of Commerce ... District may ask administrators to pay up School Board mulls contribution to health insurance- May 25, 2008 School Board Chairman Barbara Coish and board member Mark Brockmeier want school administrators to pay their share of health insurance costs. |