Atkinson NewsLocal news for Atkinson, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.25th anniversary: The Herseys- July 11, 2008 Susan and Steven Hersey of West Newbury celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on May 31, 2008, at the Atkinson Country Club, in Atkinson, N.H. The party was hosted by the family, including their children, ... Parades and powwow- July 9, 2008 Pirates waved swords and American flags, and children clad in red, white and blue pedaled bikes as tourists and residents alike lined Longwood Avenue yesterday for the annual Hyannisport Fourth of July parade. Few Habitat for Humanity homes built in N.H.- July 7, 2008 Only 50 Habitat for Humanity homes have been built in New Hampshire in the last three decades because of a shortage of land, not volunteers. Lend a Hand: Advocate for those without a voice- July 5, 2008 Sometimes during times of crisis, we need someone to stand up for us and be our voice. NH thieves hit postal trucks and cars for gas- July 3, 2008 The mail arrived on time Monday in Atkinson, New Hampshire, no thanks to thieves who stole gas out of the postmaster's truck and delivery cars. Thieves hit postal trucks, cars for gas- July 2, 2008 The mail arrived on time Monday in Atkinson, New Hampshire, no thanks to thieves who stole gas out of the postmaster's truck and delivery cars. |