Attica NewsLocal news for Attica, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fountain County buzzes with primary races- February 23, 2008 "I was a little surprised that we have so many running" Commissioners' and council races will draw the biggest attention in the primary races in Fountain County. via The Commercial-News, Danville, IL Wolf's tasty treats delight candy lovers- February 10, 2008 "All of our candy is so different" Wolf's Homemade Candies has put Attica, Ind., on the map. Dennis McIntosh, who owns Wolf's Homemade Candies with his wife, Sharon Negele, has been traveling in various parts of the country. via The Commercial-News, Danville, IL SEF Foundation to have fundraiser- February 8, 2008 "We think it is going to be very successful" The Southeast Fountain Community Foundation will combine wine and appetizers to raise funds this weekend for scholarships and grants. via The Commercial-News, Danville, IL |