Attica NewsLocal news for Attica, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Attica prepares for graduation- May 23, 2008 Mary Mattern is valedictorian of the class of 2008 of Attica High School. Courtney Cunningham and Eli Trueblood are co-salutatorians. Graduation is at 1 p.m. EDT Saturday in the school gymnasium. Fountain commissioners plan jail repairs- May 20, 2008 The Fountain County Commissioners made a commitment Monday night to work on a plan to update the county jail. Small Towns, Big Business- May 17, 2008 "We have to be in the business of making things more affordable." To see the economic impact hospitals have on Indiana, this town of 1,900-which boasts its county's only stoplight-provides a good view. via IBJ.COM Two-vehicle crash kills Indiana man- May 2, 2008 A Williamsport man died Thursday at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis from injuries he sustained in a two-vehicle accident earlier in the day. via The Commercial-News, Danville, IL |