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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for May 2008

LOOKING UP - May 18, 2008

I've been up and down over the past few days, going up towards mania and then crashing down into depression. The meds are holding, as I don't lose control completely...just enough to know things are a little off balance. Believe it or not, it's helped me to know that LTD needs me. It grounds me. (By the way, I'm going to tell you LTD's real name, even though we'll still call her LTD, for obvious reasons, as you will see. Her name is drumroll....Tracy.) I'm still waiting to hear the...

KID ON THE CORNER - May 12, 2008

I have a little problem I've been turning over in my head for about a week. It involves a kid--not mine; someone else's kid--who is heading for nothing and nowhere fast. We'll call him "Matt." Matt is a friend of Tasha's who she met through some other friends when they were hanging out at the mall. Over a period of about a year, Matt and Tasha got closer and closer and decided to date. They broke up after a very short time and Tasha's heart was broken. A little while after that, they...

NO HOME FOR TEARS - May 8, 2008

LTD's mother is in the hospital. After entering the hospital to have a hysterectomy, she ended up getting the gamet of post-op complications and has been in ICU for eight days. She has tubes going in and out everywhere, is not breathing on her own and has been sedated into unconsciousness since after surgery. The doctors have given her a poor prognosis and she remains in critical condition. LTD and her mother are very close and this has put LTD under an incredible amount of stress. She has.
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