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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for June 2008


My doctor has put me on yet another medication--this one for my cholesterol, which is dangerously high. Adding that to the diabetes and the kidney damage, my weight must come down. He wants me on a low-fat, high fiber diet, which sounds like such fun, but which is totally necessary to keep from having a fucking heart attack or stroke. So, I joined Weight Watchers (again) because it's the only thing that has ever worked for me in terms of real weight loss. The thing with diabetes (Type 2)..

LOTS OF STUFF - June 24, 2008

Good news first: LTD's mother spoke her first words today...lots of words. She's been mentally alert and aware for over a week, but she has a trach, which prevented her from speaking. When we went to see her this morning, the nurse told us outside the room that LTD's mother had a surprise for her. We thought it was that she was eating now, a soft diet, which is a major improvement. When we got inside the room, her mother waved and T asked her how she was doing. She responded, "I've been...

VACATION--DAY 4 - June 19, 2008

Yesterday at the beach we got to see our dog swim for the first time. It was adorable. We've basically been taking it pretty easy, which is how a vacation should go, but unexpected things have occured which we could not foresee, thus, um, unexpected... First, have I told you lately how much I love LTD She is without a doubt the most laid-back person I have ever been with. Check this out. This morning we got up early to go to Universal Studios. It's about two hours away. We get all the...

VACATION--DAY 2 - June 17, 2008

Yesterday was a lonnnnng day. It took us 14 hours to drive to Florida. We left at 5:30 that morning and just drove and drove and drove. We got to the hotel in time enough to throw our bags down, grab a quick bite, catch a glimpse of the beach and go see my Mommy. Strangely, it rained much of the way down but I still have a sunburn on my right arm from hanging it out the window. Florida is so fucking hot. Tasha has barely ventured out of the room. We're having dinner with my Mom tonight...

A LITTLE DITTY - June 13, 2008

My great-grandmother died a long time ago. I used to spend summers at her house in Ohio and loved going there until I became a teenager and then wanted nothing to do with any of my family. My favorite story of her, however, makes me smile whenever I think about it. She was a morning person. She got out of bed every day at 4:00 a.m. and went about the morning before work at her leisure--cooking breakfast, ironing her clothes for the day, cleaning the kitchen, feeding the birds outside. Her..


Having bipolar disorder is like being chained to a pirate ship's mast in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes there is calm when the water is like glass, smooth like silk, with breezes that blow across your face like dreams. Most often, however, the sea is a massive undertaking of torment, crashing tidal waves over your decks, smashing you about from side to side when you can't tell if up is above you and if down is below. It will go on for hours, this assault, and all you can really do is...

BLOWN AWAY - June 3, 2008

Battling a beast usually conjures up in one's mind, in this case, a woman, decked out in armor, shielded against the beast's fire and holding a sword or some other metal device in which to slay the onslaught. Sometimes it feels that way, but usually it is something as small as dodging an ever persistant house fly that happened its way in when you let the dog out. When your defenses are low, things get in very easily. Things like the boom-boom-boom of your neighbor's stereo while he's outside.
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