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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for July 2006


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recent popularity of anti-globalization movies - June 23, 2006

anti globalization movement had existed for years. asian sweatshop workers, african landless people and european factory workers have always fought for their cause. only recently had their cause become our common cause. the economy arrived to stage, where marx two centuries ago predicted it to be: the global economy is nowadays a beast to whom no mountain is high enough, and nothing holly in it's greediness....

footbal and politics - June 21, 2006

serbia is out, (the indenpendent state of) croatia is probably going to follow them, and when argentina (or hopefully sweden) kicks germans out of this championship, we can actually start enjoing it....

golden afrique vol.1 (network, 2005) - June 8, 2006

back in the sixties and seventies there was no globalization, no libaralization, no deregulation, and other things that made half the world poorer....

lily allen - June 7, 2006

despite the simmilar name she is not ellen alien. she comes from the rainy london, but her music is perfect soundtrack for hot summer days, lazy mornings in caffs and hot evenings in clubs....

english language in germany - June 3, 2006

(german is explaining you something) german: zas iss zie slotermeyer. you: what is a slotermeyer (strugling to prononunce it, it always comes with a heavy accent, but you are happy to have pronounced it at all) german: zie slotermeyer! (pronouncing it the proper german way, with pride in his eyes, now the word's pride is restored after being properly pronounced. the word is free from our strange accents) zas iss zie machine - zie flipperwaldt - zie part of beiherhund. you: what is a...
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