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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for August 2006


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gnter grass (good guys and the bad guys) - August 15, 2006

germany is criticizing mr. grass as he is the only one who has been in the army during the second world war....

now i am officially fascist - August 11, 2006

adolf bush stated yesterday, he is in war with islamic fascists. regardless on now much i wrote against fascism on my blog, how much i hated the bad things in open society, i am officially regarded as fascist. in other words as scum. so what does this silly statement have to do with me in germany you may ask...

viso&269;ke piramide - August 9, 2006

svakih desetak godina dodje neka budala da nam pri&269;a kako imamo neto to nemamo. prvo su nam otkrili troju u gabeli (i tada smo svi vjerovali), a sada su nam otkili piramidu, i opet vjerijemo. da ne duim evo par frikih slika sa piramide (hvala neboja)....

all the fellow humanists of this world (sve sami humanisti mamicu im jebem) - August 2, 2006

about the hidden connection between duce's son bruno and condoleeza rice, on how wars start, on schindler's list, on the force - the only respect worthy fetish in this world, on cd with bosnian music on wsmu radio, and animals in haifa's zoo....
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