Tyrone NewsLocal news for Tyrone, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Pair of weekend fires being probed- April 29, 2008 "It started about 100 yards off the road and over a fence" Silver City fire officials are investigating two suspicious grass fires that occurred Saturday. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2008/04/pair-of-weekend-fires-being-probed?fromrss=1 Fortuitous wind shift spares homes from fire- April 26, 2008 "I believe the kettle heated up the propane tank and it vented the propane, and it caught fire somehow" A structure fire Thursday night in Wind Canyon could have claimed hundreds of homes and threatened Silver City if not for a turn of luck for firefighters. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2008/04/fortuitous-wind-shift-spares-homes-from-fire?f... |