Tyrone NewsLocal news for Tyrone, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.In the area- May 10, 2008 The Tyrone Cowboy Poetry and Music Festival will be held tonight at 6 p.m. at the Tyrone Community Center. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2008/05/in-the-area?fromrss=1 Tour of the Gila wraps up- May 5, 2008 "This was a great team effort. The team rode great for me this week and I am just glad I was able to bring this win in for them." The 2008 Tour of the Gila wrapped up its final race Sunday with the nearly indomitable Gila Monster race from Silver City to Pinos Altos, by way of the Gila Cliff Dwellings. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2008/05/tour-of-the-gila-wraps-up?fromrss=1 Annual Gila race is rolling into town- May 1, 2008 "The field is full in the men's. We have 85 guys in those races." It is once again that time of the year when nearly 500 cyclists hit the roadways of Grant County. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2008/05/annual-gila-race-is-rolling-into-town?fromrss=... |