Steve Pavlina's Personal Development BlogPersonal Development for Smart PeopleAre Darkworkers Evil- April 22, 2008 As a follow-up to the previous article Rise of the Lightworker, let me clarify about darkworkers being construed as bad or evil. There are two perspectives to consider. First, from a spiritual perspective, darkworking and lightworking are both paths to greater awareness, greater motivation, andgreater power. Darkworkers and lightworkers are similar in many ways, their main ... Rise of the Lightworker- April 16, 2008 Consider for a momentthat you&8217;re an individual cell in the larger body of humanity. What kind of cell are you Do you strive to achieve your individual health and comfort Do you work for the betterment of your nearby family cells Do you have a sense of devotion to the improvement of the entire body I&8217;m ... Life Coaching- April 12, 2008 Lifecoaching (or personal coaching) is fairly popular these days. Many people have asked me what I think of life coaching, so I&8217;ll share my thoughts on this subject. A life coach is someone you hire to help assist you with your personal development, especially in the area of setting and achieving specific goals. Typically this involves ... The Anatomy of Personal Change- April 8, 2008 I want to share some thoughts on my recent decision to switch to a raw food diet with respect to how I finally made this change. Although I only made the decision about a week ago, it feels to me like a permanent change, and I have a hard time seeing myself returning to cooked ... |