Steve Pavlina's Personal Development BlogPersonal Development for Smart PeopleHow to Maintain Not-Quite-Daily Habits- May 29, 2008 Have you ever fallen off track while trying to install or maintain a not-quite-daily habit such as exercising 3-4 days a week or getting up at 5am on weekdays This article will share some simple ideas to help you maintain such habits more easily. If you perform a certain task every day for weeks on end, ... 10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion- May 27, 2008 While consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it. In this article I&8217;ll share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest. Since Christianity ... How to Make Accurate Time Estimates- May 19, 2008 Many people are really bad at estimating how much time a task will take. Perhaps you estimate you&8217;ll need about an hour, and it really takes you 3-4 hours to finish. Or maybe you allocate 30 minutes for a task, and you&8217;re done in 5 minutes. What can you do to get better at making ... How to Be a Woman- May 16, 2008 Here are the results from the &8220;How to Be a Woman&8221; writing challenge I posed at the end of last week&8217;s &8220;How to Be a Man&8221; article. A total of 52 submissions were received. Erin and I both read every single one of them. By the time I was done, I felt like I&8217;d just completed ... How to Be a Man- May 10, 2008 What does it mean to be a man today How can men consciously express their masculinity without becoming cold or closed-hearted on the one hand&8230; or wimpy and emasculated on the other What&8217;s the most loving way for a conscious man to express himself Here are 10 ways to live more consciously as a man: 1. Make ... Lightworking- May 7, 2008 I&8217;ve written a lot about the mindset behind becoming a lightworker (or darkworker), but what do lightworkers actually do What does the business of lightworking look like First, it&8217;s important to understand that the ultimate goal of a lightworker is basically the expansion and elevation of consciousness. Darkworkers have essentially the same primary aim, but lightworkers ... The Value of Ideas- May 1, 2008 Every week I receive emails from peoplewho tellme their ideas for new websites, businesses, or organizations they&8217;d like to build. Usually they ask me for feedback on their ideas, implying that their ideashave some intrinsic value. Occasionally they want me to invest in their ideas, either financially or by putting in some of my time ... |