Angie NewsLocal news for Angie, LA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Shrimp fleet closer to setting anchor- April 28, 2008 "Everything's rolling along as much as anything can roll" After a recent infusion of state money, a small fleet of shrimp boats is drifting closer to making Bucktown harbor its permanent home. via Times-Picayune Gents' Gary hires Duquesne assistant- April 24, 2008 "I've been up north for awhile, so I'm looking forward to getting back to the nice hot summers of Louisiana" Centenary men's basketball coach Greg Gary has added Duquesne assistant coach Kim Lewis to his coaching staff. via The Shreveport Times Williams fest draws theatrical star- April 2, 2008 "And she and Angie were like two kids who couldn't wait to go on stage every night." Tennessee Williams Festival draws many theatrical star Posted by David Cuthbert, the Times-Picayune April 02, 2008 4:50AM The effortlessly elegant actress Marian Seldes, with her beautifully modulated speaking ... via Times-Picayune |