Angie NewsLocal news for Angie, LA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Sports complex work to be rebid- May 22, 2008 The St. Charles Parish School Board Wednesday rejected bids for improvements to the Destrehan High School athletic complex. Folsom cop reaches for boxing glory- May 16, 2008 "These guys are tough. They train and fight year round against teams from other prisons. They're in shape and some of them could fight professionally." The thump of connecting punches echoed through the gym at the B.B. "Sixty" Rayburn Correctional Center as Will McIntyre of Covington went toe-to-toe with an inmate doing time for manslaughter. via NOLA.com Several inmates escape in Washington Parish- May 14, 2008 Authorities in Washington Parish are searching for several inmates who escaped from a work release program in Angie. via WWL-TV New Orleans |