Ashfield NewsLocal news for Ashfield, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Transport plan gets revisions- April 27, 2008 Revisions to the Franklin County Transportation Improvement Plan call for increased funding for a regional transportation center and changing priorities for other projects. via MassLive.com 'Sweet' season: Maple syrup makers report banner year- April 11, 2008 "Better than average when it comes to agriculture is probably exceptional." When all the steam has cleared, 2008 should go down as a banner year for maple syrup producers. via The Recorder - Greenfield, Massachusetts For syrup fans, it's a sweet year- April 9, 2008 "It's quaint. It just doesn't feel commercialized." From a distance, the Red Bucket Sugar Shack in Worthington looked like it was on fire. via MassLive.com |