Ashfield NewsLocal news for Ashfield, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Gun brought to Mohawk 'easily concealed:' 2 students face possible...- May 30, 2008 School officials and police investigators refused further comment Thursday on an incident at Mohawk Trail Regional High School in which a student is said to have brought a gun to school. Family loses mill in early morning blaze- May 16, 2008 "We had at least 30 people there" Firefighters from seven departments in two states battled to stop the destruction of a sawmill at 110 Branch Hill Road early Thursday morning, but were unable to save the building. via The Recorder - Greenfield, Massachusetts Heath gives Mohawk its budget at town meeting- May 12, 2008 Both Heath and the Mohawk Trail Regional School District have budgets for the fiscal year that begins in July, after residents had their say at Saturday's annual town meeting. via The Recorder - Greenfield, Massachusetts Renewable Energy Grants...- May 2, 2008 "Renewable energy technologies are drivers of the new economy, and once again western Massachusetts is on the forefront, planning to make the best use out of these new technologies." BOSTON Two Franklin County organizations have been selected to receive grants from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative's Renewable Energy Trust Fund, under the trust's Large Onsite Renewable Initiative, ... via IBerkshires |