Arapaho NewsLocal news for Arapaho, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bulletin Board for- May 29, 2008 Week-long summer institute slated July 7-10 Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum and historic Fort Supply will offer Oklahoma Northwest, a week-long summer institute July ... Tornado watch in 29 counties, tornado reported near Blackwell 3 mins ago- May 27, 2008 Tornado warnings issued by the National Weather Service in Oklahoma earlier this evening have been allowed to expire, but at least one tornado has been reported in the state so far on Memorial Day. Butler: It was the day youths, teachers dreaded 9 mins ago- May 24, 2008 Empty swings dangled in the wind on the elementary school playground. Footsteps echoed down a lonely hallway. 2 school districts to seek annexation- May 11, 2008 "When you lose students, you lose revenue." Financial problems and declining enrollments are prompting two rural school districts to seek annexation by neighboring school districts. via NewsOK.com |