Arapaho NewsLocal news for Arapaho, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Hydro Man Charged With Kidnapping- June 21, 2008 A man accused of holding seven people hostage at a veterinary clinic near Clinton has been charged in Custer County District Court with kidnapping and robbery. Inmate charged with pawn shop robbery- June 4, 2008 &xD;&xD;ARAPAHO, Okla. - A state prison inmate has been charged with robbing a Weatherford pawn shop at knifepoint.<p>&xD;&xD;Robert Ross Jr. of Clinton is accused of holding the store clerk at knifepoint in December then tying her hands and feet with electrical tape.<p>&xD;&xD;Ross was arrested last month in Bethany after leading Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers on a high-speed chase in Canadian and Oklahoma counties. He's in custody at the Oklahoma City... |