The Job BlogJob and Career Information from BostonWorks and The Boston GlobeOf sports coaches and CEOs- May 22, 2008 What's the difference between a really good CEO and a top-notch professional coach Well, aside the fact that one group shares locker rooms with sweaty athletes, not much. An article at looks at the traits of successful CEOs and argues that many of the top pro coaches share those attributes, which generally involve getting a diverse group of people on the same page and making the whole greater than the sum of the parts. A list is presented of the top 10 coaches who would make... The career paths of bloggers- May 21, 2008 There are many blogs out there on the Internet. Even on, there are a whole slew of blogs and bloggers (present company included.) But for those most successful bloggers out there, the ones who are known around the country and who make their living off of their little slice of the Web, how did they start out What jobs preceded their blogging days Well, asked a few well-known bloggers what they did for a paycheck before they got the blogging bug. Here is a... Bay State loses 2,400 jobs in April- May 15, 2008 Massachusetts employers cut about 2,400 jobs in April, according to the state Department of Workforce Development. The drop ended a streak of six months of consecutive gains in payroll employment. However, a separate survey showed the state unemployment rate dropped to 4.1 percent in April, down from 4.4 percent in March, making it the lowest rate since September 2001 and almost a point lower than the national rate of 5 percent. The Globe's Robert Gavin reports: The state economy in recent... |