The Job BlogJob and Career Information from BostonWorks and The Boston GlobeThe need for domestic IT- June 26, 2008 When talking about the trend of outsourcing jobs in America to other countries (also known as offshoring), one of the first industries that usually seems to come up is IT (information technology, for those of you with an aversion to widely known acronyms). Because of this trend, it would seem logical then that domestic IT jobs would become more scarce as more companies send IT work overseas. But is that really the case A few recent reports show that demand for IT positions in the near future. Texting on your work phone- June 19, 2008 Do you use your company cellphone to send out personal text messages Are you worried that those communications can be easily accessed and used against by your employer Well, thanks to a new ruling by a US federal appeals court, it is now harder for employers to legally gain access to text messages that are sent by employees on company phones, the Associated Press reports: Under Wednesday's ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, employers that contract an outside business to transmit. Basketball, late nights, and work- June 17, 2008 OK, admit it, you missed the Celtics' Game 4 comeback last Thursday against the Lakers ... it was getting late, the Celtics looked like toast, and you needed to work the next day. It's understandable. But then you woke up the next morning, heard the news of the comeback, and wished you hadn't gone to bed so early. You don't plan to let it happen again ... in fact you're terrified you'll miss a chance to witness Boston sports history. So you stay up late. Really late. After Sunday night's... Work, technology, and information overload- June 10, 2008 Between emails, text message, IMs, phone calls, etc., our attention is always divided, and we are constantly jumping from one project to the next, with little time to sit and focus on a single task, says Maggie Jackson. The Balancing Acts columnist and author of the new book, 'Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age,' chatted with readers on Monday about dealing with the non-stop flow of information and myriad ways to communicate in the digital age. Here's an.. Common job search mistakes- June 2, 2008 The Globe Magazine's Careers Issue came out this past Sunday, and included a bunch of useful stuff for the job seeker. One feature they had was titled "7 deadly sins of the job search." It contained a number of common pitfalls that job seekers fall into when looking for a job. Among them were: Discussing money too early in the interview process. When asked for your salary expectations, say, "Well, it really depends on the specific scope and responsibilities of the position, which I'm still... |