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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for April 2008

A terrible judge of character - April 30, 2008

One of the things that has always worried me about a potential Obama presidency is the likelihood that he will be entirely dominated by his vastly more experienced cabinet. Considering the fact that Obama has practically zero experience on a national level outside of his current campaign, it&8217;s pretty obvious to me that an Obama ...

CNN disgusts me - April 29, 2008

I cannot believe what I just saw. Our only source for television news in English is CNN&8211;specifically, CNN International. This is the same channel beamed around the planet and watched by English-speaking people on every continent. A few moments ago, they did a segment on Jeremiah Wright&8217;s press club speech, the heart of which Lorraine ...

Talk about Miseducation - April 28, 2008

Today&8217;s speech by Rev. Jeremiah Wright is a perfect example the kind of benevolent, back-handed bigotry I fought against all through my M.Ed. program at the University of Washington. In the speech, Wright claimed that white kids and black kids are wired so differently that they can&8217;t be taught in the same ways. White kids ...
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